Sunday, January 16, 2011

oats in the coffee cake

The original recipe is labeled as 'oatmeal cookie coffee cake.'

This coffee cake has a moist interior and is surrounded by a brown sugar crunch on the top, and slightly chewy crust on the sides.  I baked my coffeecake in a tart pan; thus, the baking time was much longer than the time specified in the recipe.  This extended baking time may have attributed to the chewy edge of the coffeecake. However, the presentation of the cake with it's ruffled sides and light color oats strewn across the top make the cake a stunning breakfast/brunch/anytime treat.

Thanks, Liz at 'A Whisk and a Prayer' for sharing the recipe.  (original recipe here)

My adaptation of the original recipe included the following changes:
I used whole milk with 1/4 teaspoon of almond flavoring rather than the almond milk.
I used regular oats, and currents in the place of raisins.
I should have toasted the almonds as the recipe instructed.
I sprinkled a few oats across the top; they were a pretty contrast against the brown sugar topping.

just out of the oven:
a slice...
 ...and a bite

 earthy oats against weather wood
 another bite...
 ...and gone...DELICIOUS!

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