When I asked Julie what she would like for me to bake and send to NE for Christmas, she only wanted her Mom's cinnamon crisps. But, she said, they will never survive shipment from TN to NE.
She sent me her Mom's recipe, of which I'm proud to add to my collection. I did find a cinnamon cookie recipe to bake that would survive the sleigh ride via FedEx.
Roll and cut:
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar prior to baking:

Just baked:
Ready for the FedEx ride to NE (and, I sent a tin of these to my Niece M in UC,TN):
You can find this recipe here.
Maybe, some day, I'll try Mrs. Morris' recipe. Let me know if you try this one...
Cinnamon Crisps
2 c flour
2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1/2 c margarine
1 beaten egg
1/2 c milk (about)
1 c sugar
1 T cinnamon
Mix together flour, baking powder, salt and 1 T sugar. Cut in 1/2 c.
margarine. Beat egg and enough milk to make 3/4 c. Mix together and add to
flour mixture. Turn out and knead 25 times on lightly floured board. Roll
long narrow until about 24" long. Brush with melted margarine. Put 1/4 of
sugar cinnamon and roll up. Cut into 1/2" slices. Dip into melted margarine
and a cinnamon sugar mixture. Roll between waxed paper until 1/8" thick.
Transfer to baking pan. Bake at 400 degrees about 10 minutes or until
lightly browned. They will be very delicate but worth it!
Oh my gosh I bet they're as good as cinnamon toast!